Had first taste of strong wind and a bit of rain, which we need to get used to very soon.

Packed up the tent and had some food, we on the road again, the morning was relatively easy, pretty much followed the road.
Stopped at a supermarket for food, an old French lady thought we need help and ask us to walk to other side of the car park talk to her husband, they’re shock after we told them where we going and point out where the next bike shop is.
Outside the Simply supermarket:

Was a bit slow in the afternoon, because we spent a lot of time look up the map on the phone and make sure we don’t end up on motoway again!
The wind started to pick up by the late afternoon, unluckily it was side wind, so it make it very difficult to cycling uphill. Then it start to rain as well, so we decided going to Cambrai centre look for food, its a bit weird most of the food shop doesn’t open later, but managed to get some food for the bread shop which opens all the time, then we went to a pub wait for the rain to stop, the guy at the pub was excited about our journey and gave us free beers.
The rain doesn’t seems to stop, so we asked the guy at the pub where we can stay, he pointed to Hotel F1.

We had a quick pit stop in Hotel F1!